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UniFi Connect - Migrate UniFi LED Devices to UniFi Connect

UniFi LED is a legacy application that will no longer be supported. If you use devices managed by this application, please migrate them to UniFi Connect. Prior to migrating, though, you must:

  1. Update Connect to its latest version, followed by the managing UniFi Console.
  2. Create a UniFi OS backup.

Note: UniFi LED device migration cannot be undone once initiated.

To migrate your UniFi LED devices to UniFi Connect:

  1. SSH into your console and execute the UniFi Connect migration script:
    1. UDM Pro:
      unifi-os shell

      nohup bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" &

      tail -f nohup.out
    2. UCK Gen2 Plus:

      nohup bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" &

      tail -f nohup.out
  2. If the command above fails, execute the following command:
    nohup bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" &

The grouping logic is different between UniFi LED and UniFi Connect. After migration, verify if any adjustments are necessary to best reflect your deployment.

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