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EdgeSwitch XP - How to Upgrade the Firmware via the CLI


Readers will learn how to upgrade the firmware on an EdgeSwitch XP via the CLI using SSH and SCP. This method is only recommended for advanced users and when the regular firmware upgrade method via the Web UI / UNMS does not work. 

  • Applicable to the EdgeSwitch XP models (ES-5XP / ES-8XP / ES-16XP).
  • This method is only recommended for advanced users who are familiar with SSH and SCP.
  • Upgrading the firmware using the Web UI / UNMS is explained in the How to Upgrade the Firmware article.
  • The latest EdgeSwitch XP firmware can be downloaded from the EdgeMAX Downloads page.

Upgrading the Firmware using the CLI


Logging into the EdgeSwitch XP using a Secure Shell (SSH) and Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) client.

Follow the steps below to access the EdgeSwitch XP using SSH and SCP:

1. Download the latest EdgeSwitch XP firmware from the EdgeRouter Downloads page to the workstation.

2. Rename the downloaded firmware file to the name below (leave the .bin extension intact).


3. Connect the workstation directly to the MGMT port of the EdgeSwitch XP.

4. Use your favorite SCP client program (for example WinSCP or the macOS/Linux Terminal) to connect to the EdgeSwitch XP. 

NOTE: The default (fallback) IP address is and the default credentials are ubnt/ubnt.

5 Copy the fwupdate.bin file to the /tmp/ directory. Using the macOS/Linux Terminal SCP command for example:

scp ./fwupdate.bin ubnt@
CLI: Access the Command Line Interface on the EdgeSwitch XP.

6. Open a separate SSH session using your favorite SSH/Telnet client program (for example PuTTY or the macOS/Linux Terminal).

7. Verify that the fwupdate.bin file is located in the /tmp/ directory.

ls -l /tmp/

8. Run the command below to start the firmware upgrade process.

/sbin/fwupdate -m
NOTE: The device will automatically reboot during the upgrade process.

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