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ISP Wireless - Cannot Connect to Inaccessible or Unresponsive Device

This article guides the reader through the most common issues that can cause users to lose access to the manage their ISP Wireless devices. Please check each of the following items to identify and fix the issue:

Configuration Was Not Applied

  • Try to reach the device through the default IP address (
  • Is the inaccessible device an airMAX M unit? If yes, check these two additional points:
    • Be sure to click the Change button before switching tabs in the UI in order to save configurations.
    • Ensure that the Apply button is clicked to commit saved changes to the running configuration.

Remote Management Access or Management VLAN Enabled

  • Was Block Management Access enabled for the interface you are trying to reach the device through?
    • Try to connect through the other interface.
  • Was a Management VLAN configured?
    • Ensure that you are correctly tagging your packets en route to the inaccessible device.
    • Try to access the Management Interface through the default VLAN.

In-Band Management versus Out-of-Band Management (airFiber devices)

  • If you are using the Management port, make sure that the airFiber is configured with the correct subnet for the interface the Management Port is plugged into.
  • The Management Port is not bridged to the Data interface. Management frames will not traverse the wireless link.
    • If you plan to use Out-of-Band Management, you will need a cable plugged into the Management Port of each airFiber.
  • If you are using In-Band Management, make sure to leave In-Band Management enabled during the initial configuration. ATTENTION:If there is no cable running to the Management Port and In-Band Management is disabled, there will be no way to gain access to the device without factory resetting or running a cable to the Management Port.

Service Ports

  • Is there a firewall between you and the unreachable device?
    • Allow or forward ports:
      • SSH: 22.
      • Web UI: 80, 443.
      • Telnet: 23.
  • Did you configure a non-standard port for the services?
    • For Web UI: Append :<port> to the URL.
      • For example if the Web Server port is configured as 8080:
    • For SSH: Append -p <port> to your command line.
      • For example if the SSH Server port is configured as 2022: ssh -l ubnt -p 2022
    • For Telnet: Append <port> to your command line.
      • For example if the Telnet Server port is configured as 2323: telnet 2323

IP Conflict

  • Ensure no other device on the network is sharing the same IP address.


  • Ensure your current device is routed to the subnet that the inaccessible device is configured in.


  • Was the device configured to receive a DHCP address?
    • Ensure the DHCP server successfully leased an IP address.
    • Try to access the device through the DHCP fallback address. 

UISP & WiFiman Apps

  • UISP & WiFiman apps may be helpful to find the correct IP address.
  • Ensure port 10001 is not blocked in the network.

Hardware Issues

  • Ensure that the cabling is fully intact and the cable terminations are correct.
    • Sometimes a small hole in the line or a loose contact on the RJ-45 end can cause a cable to go bad.
    • Test the cable on known-good devices to be sure that it works before moving on.
  • Verify that the ethernet ports on all devices are not faulty.
    • This includes any device between you and the inaccessible airMAX radio: Routers, switches, PC, Laptop, POE Injector.
    • Eliminate as many devices between you and the device as possible by plugging a laptop directly into the device's LAN port on a known working/tested POE Injector.

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