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Build Incident Reports with UniFi Case Manager

UniFi Protect’s Case Manager transforms your system into a comprehensive incident management platform, enabling streamlined organization, documentation, and export of critical footage and notes. By integrating clips from multiple sources and adding contextual notes, you can create a detailed timeline of events, ensuring vital evidence is preserved and easily accessible.


Imagine a company experiences a break-in at one of their locations. Case Manager allows them to compile a case with footage from various cameras showing the suspect’s actions. Additionally, they can use AI Detections to find other instances where the suspects or license plates had visited previously, to build a more comprehensive story without searching through endless data.

They can trim recordings to include only the most relevant segments and add detailed descriptions for clarity. Once complete, the case can be exported as a zipped file containing the selected clips and a descriptive PDF, providing invaluable evidence for law enforcement or insurance claims.

UniFi Protect ensures that stored recordings are preserved even beyond the console's standard storage retention, making it possible to retain and manage critical evidence long-term. Additionally, cases can be accessed by all admins on the same console, enabling seamless collaboration during investigations.

Creating and Managing a Case

Building a case starts with selecting footage, which can be done in Playback or Find Anything:

  1. Locate the desired footage in Playback, or choose a detection from the Find Anything tab.
  2. Click Add to Case at the top of the interface.
  3. Trim the footage using the timeline in Playback or the seek bar in Find Anything to include only the most relevant evidence.
  4. Select an existing case, or create a new one.
  5. Provide clear descriptions for each clip to build a detailed and organized report.
  6. Click Add.

Editing and Finalizing Cases

Admins have the flexibility to edit cases after creation, including adding or updating notes, descriptions, and clips. However, specific actions are permanent:

  • Closing a Case: Locks the case, preventing further edits. This ensures the integrity of the evidence and timeline.
  • Removing a Case: Permanently deletes all associated recordings, but only if they are beyond the system's retention scope.

Exporting Cases

  1. Navigate to Case Manager in UniFi Protect.
  2. Open a Case.
  3. Click Download in the top right corner to download the files.
  4. You will obtain a zip file including all your video clips, as well as a PDF file outlining a timeline of events, complete with descriptions and notes.
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