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airMAX - Guide to Enable & Test SNMP

This article shows how to enable SNMP on airOS and test it on Windows and Linux. NMP (Simple Network Monitoring Protocol) allows for the remote monitoring of your airMAX devices using various 3rd party NMS solutions.  All airMAX devices support SNMPv1 read access.   

For fully-integrated monitoring support with all of Ubiquiti's latest ISP wireless products, please consider using our UISP management platform.

Steps: How to Enable SNMP

1. Download the Latest MIB. You can find the latest MIB for airMAX here.

2. Navigate to the Services tab in airOS and enable SNMP.

3. Set your SNMP Community, Contact Info, and Location.

Testing & Verification: Windows

You can use something like iReasonings MIB Browser to load our private MIB, and explore available OIDs.  

Note: Some SNMP systems (prtg) require that the .1 be appended to the end of the OID.

1. Extract the Ubiquiti MIB zip file, and load into the MIB Browser.  

2. Set the default Read Community under Tools >Options > Default Value > Agent Read Community. You can override this default on a per-device basis by clicking on the Advanced button.

3. Set the IP address of the SNMP enabled device.

4. Using the MIB Tree on the left, navigate to org > dod > internet > private > enterprises > ubnt.

5. Right click on “ubnt” and select “Get subtree”

Testing & Verification: Linux

1. Make sure you have snmp (net-snmp-utils on Fedora/CentOS) installed on your system.

2. Use snmpwalk to manually query your SNMP enabled device.

snmpwalk -c <community name> -V 1 <ipaddress> <oid>

Here is an example output using the OID ubntWlStatSignal (.

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