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EdgeRouter - Run Operational Mode Command from Scripts


Readers will learn how to run operational mode commands from scripts.

  • Applicable to the latest EdgeOS firmware on all EdgeRouter models.

Creating and Running a Custom Script

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In this example a script is run to clear all the DHCP leases.

CLI: Access the Command Line Interface. You can do this using the CLI button in the GUI or by using a program such as PuTTY.

1. Log in as the root user.

sudo su

2. Create a basic script using the cat command.

cat > /config/scripts/cleardhcp 
NOTE: The script is stored in the config directory to prevent it from being lost during reboots and firmware upgrades.

2. Add the following contents to the script (note the empty line at the bottom).

/opt/vyatta/bin/vyatta-op-cmd-wrapper clear dhcp leases

echo "$(date +'%h %e %T')" `hostname` 'dhclient: DHCP leases cleared' >> /var/log/messages

exit 0

NOTE:The vyatta-op-cmd-wrapper command is needed to run the script. The echo line is optional and logs that the script was run.

3. Use CTRL+D to exit out and save the script.

4. Modify the permissions to allow the script to execute.

chmod +x /config/scripts/cleardhcp 

5. Exit back to the EdgeOS command line.


6. Run the script.

sudo /config/scripts/cleardhcp

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