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EdgeRouter - How to Configure an Interface


Readers will learn how to configure interfaces and assign IP addresses on the EdgeRouter.

Applicable to the latest EdgeOS firmware on all EdgeRouter models. Please see the Related Articles below for more information.
Device used in this article:

Configuring Interfaces and IP Addresses

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The Ethernet port (eth1) will be configured with a static IP address in the subnet.

In the factory default setup, the EdgeRouter is accessible on the address on the eth0 interface. See the Beginners Guide to EdgeRouter article for more information on how to establish initial connectivity.

In this example, we will manually create a new LAN IP address range by assigning the IP address to the eth1 interface. Instead of configuring all the EdgeRouter settings manually, it is also possible to use one of the setup wizards in the Wizards tab.

GUI: Access the EdgeRouter Web UI.

1. On the workstation, open a Web Browser and enter in the address bar.

2. Log into the router using the default credentials.

Username: ubnt
Password: ubnt

3. Confirm that the device is running the latest firmware from our Downloads page. Make sure to upgrade it before continuing on to the next section.

NOTE: There is more information about how to upgrade the EdgeRouter in theHow to Upgrade the EdgeOS Firmware article.

4. Navigate to the Dashboard tab to modify the eth1 interface settings.

Dashboard > Interfaces > Eth1 > Actions > Config

Description: LAN
Enable: Checked
Address: Manually define IP address >
MTU: 1500
Speed: Auto-Negotiation
Proxy ARP: Unchecked

5. Save the changes.

If a DHCP server is also needed, see the DHCP Server article for the configuration steps.

NOTE:The reachability to clients can be tested by using the ping utility in the Toolbox located in the top-right corner of the Web UI.

The above configuration can also be set using the CLI:

CLI: Access the Command Line Interface.You can do this using the CLI button in the GUI or by using a program such as PuTTY.

1. Enter configuration mode.


2. Delete the existing configuration from the eth1 interface.

delete interfaces ethernet eth1

3. Assign the new LAN IP address to the eth1 interface.

set interfaces ethernet eth1 address

4. Commit the changes and save the configuration.

commit ; save

Related Articles

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EdgeRouter - Beginners Guide to EdgeRouter

EdgeRouter - DHCP Server

EdgeRouter - Create Virtual Interfaces with VLAN IDs

Intro to Networking - How to Establish a Connection Using SSH

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