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ISP Wireless - Reset Device to Factory Default Settings

If you already tried resetting your Ubiquiti ISP Wireless device (ex. airMAX, airFiber, LTU) to factory default values with the reset button and you can't access the unit, we recommend that you perform a TFTP recovery.

By reloading fresh firmware to restore the device, this process can also be useful to recover devices that have appeared to fail when no other solution is working.

Warning: Do not switch off, reboot or disconnect the device from the power supply during the firmware upgrade process, as these actions will damage the device.


Before you begin, make sure to have the following:

  • A narrow tool to press down reset button (like a paper clip)
  • An Ethernet cable
  • TFTP client running on PC
  • The correct airOS firmware. All firmwares are downloadable from the Downloads section (use the left hand menu to find the correct product category & firmware). The firmware used is dependent on:
    • The firmware compatible with the product (e.g. airMAX M or AC model).
    • The version. Initially you must use the same airOS firmware the device was running. Once the device is recovered, perform a regular upgrade via the WebUI to the latest airOS firmware.

Important TFTP Changes

  • As of v6.3.0 airMAX M devices in TFTP mode will try to obtain an IP address via DHCP and respond to discovery requests from WiFiman Desktop and WiFiman Mobile Android / iOS 
  • If no DHCP server is present or an IP cannot be obtained via DHCP, the radio will revert to
  • For airCubes with firmware >= 2.8.0, you can flash >= 2.8.1
  • For airCubes with firmware < 2.8.0, you can flash <= 2.8.0

Steps: Recovery Procedure for Windows

  1. Power off the device.
  2. Configure your computer: Windows PC's Ethernet must be configured manually with the following settings (under Network Connections):
    IP Address:, Subnet Mask :
  3. Connect your device to the PC.
  4. Press the reset button on the device. While holding the reset button down, power the unit on. Wait 8 seconds then release the button (if you want to reset the unit to factory defaults, wait about 15 seconds or until the signal LEDs light up to indicate that the device is ready for recovery).
  5. For airCubes (ISP and AC): Push reset button and hold while powering unit. LED panel should blink fast several times, continue holding the reset button and the LED should turn off. Now you can release the reset button and the LED will flash slowly three times.
  6. Make sure that the device responds to pings (perform a ping from a DOS window), if it does not, go back to the first step and repeat.  If you are not getting a response, please see the note regarding TFTP changes at the top under Note and Requirements.

  7. Upload firmware image file (.bin) to, using a TFTP client software (binary mode). Windows integrated command line TFTP client or download a third party utility to upload the airOS firmware.
    1. From the Windows PC, you can use TFTP command line from a DOS window (START>>>CMD): 

    2. Go into the same directory structure as the firmware (e.g., assuming that you have stored the image files in c:\firmware directory, type the command :cd c:\firmware) and enter the following (for help type TFTP -h) , e.g.:

      tftp -i put WA.v8.5.0.36727.180118.1314.bin

  8. Signal LEDs will keep blinking one by one in 4 different colors during firmware upgrade. Wait for about 7-10 minutes (devices and firmware depending). Remember to not power off the device during the procedure.
  9. Once the device is back online, remember to upgrade to the latest airOS firmware via the WebUI.

Steps: Recovery Procedure for Linux

Generic Linux distributions have an integrated command line TFTP client. From a PC running Linux, you can upload via TFTP by typing into Terminal the following commands:

tftp> bin
tftp> trace
tftp> put WA.v8.5.0.36727.180118.1314.bin
Sent 1965199 bytes in 35.2 seconds 
tftp> exit

Steps: Recovery Procedure for macOS

  1. Put your device in TFTP mode by following the steps 1-5 of the Windows section.
  2. Ping your device at the default IP Address, using Terminal.
  3. Access Mac's built-in TFTP client  by typing tftp in the Terminal, then issue these commands, hitting enter at the end of each line:
    tftp> connect
    tftp> binary
    tftp> put WA.v8.5.0.36727.180118.1314.bin

    Note: The WA.v8.5.0.36727.180118.1314.bin above is a firmware example, you would substitute it with the binary you have downloaded.

  4. At this point you will see a confirmation of Sent followed by the bytes and duration. Wait a few minutes, keeping an eye on the device's LEDs until it's back online (with only lights for power and LAN activated, see your device's Quick Start Guide for specifics).
  5. Now you should be able to access your device by going to in your browser.
  6. Once the device is back online, remember to upgrade to the latest airOS firmware via the WebUI.

Steps Reset via SSH/CLI

To reset a Ubiquiti ISP wireless device (ex. airMAX, airFiber, LTU) to factory defaults via SSH / CLI, log into the unit, and run the following as one command:

 cp /usr/etc/system.cfg /tmp/system.cfg; save; reboot

The output should look like this:


Note: Once the radio reboots, it can be accessed on its default IP address of, provided you are on the same subnet and local to the radio.

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