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UniFi Identity Enterprise - Account and MFA

Activate UniFi Identity Enterprise Account

Check Your Invitation Email

Once your UniFi Identity Enterprise workspace admin creates an account for you, an invitation email will be sent to your email address. Open the email and click Activate UniFi Identity Enterprise Account to activate your account.

Set Up Account Password and Security Question

  • If your workspace admin allows you to set your own account password, make sure that it meets the password requirements.

  • If your workspace admin has provided you with a password, enter the password that is displayed in the invitation email.

Once you have entered your password, you can choose a security question from the drop-down menu or create your own. After that, provide an answer to your chosen security question, and then click Continue to proceed.

Set Up MFA Methods

  1. Click the Set Up button next to your preferred multi-factor authentication (MFA) method.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the authentication method.
  3. After you have successfully set up the first authentication method, click Continue to proceed.
  4. Repeat the process to set up any additional MFA methods that you wish to use.
  5. Once you have finished setting up all the MFA methods, you will be automatically redirected to the DOWNLOAD section of your Identity Enterprise Workspace, where you will find the links to download all relevant apps.

Troubleshoot Account Issues

How to Unlock My Account?

If the sign-in failed error prompts, it means that your account is locked because you’ve reached the maximum number of password failed attempts. Do either of the following to recover your account:

  • Ask your workspace administrator to unlock your account.
  • Wait for the auto-unlock time to elapse and try signing in again, if your workspace admin has set up an auto-unlock time on the Password Policy page.
  • Follow the steps below to perform a self-service account recovery, if your workspace admin has enabled this option.

Self-Service Account Recovery

  1. Go to your UniFi Identity sign-in page (https://[your workspace domain]
  2. Click Need help?.
  3. Enter your account email address.
  4. Do either of the following to verify your account:
    • Click Send Email, check your inbox, and click Unlock Account in the email we sent to you.
    • Click Send SMS if you have set up SMS authentication and enter the OTP sent to your phone via SMS.
  5. An account authentication page will appear. Follow the on-screen instructions to verify your account.
  6. Once your account is verified, it will be unlocked.

Note: If you choose to verify your account using the Recovery Code option, a new recovery code will be generated. Please download or copy the code and keep it secure. Do not share it with anyone else.

  1. You can proceed with the password reset process or return to the sign-in page.

How to Reset My UniFi Identity Enterprise Password?

  1. Go to your UniFi Identity sign-in page (https://[your workspace domain]
  2. Click Need help?.
  3. Do either of the following to verify your account:
    • Click Send Email, check your email box, and click Reset Password in the email we sent to you.
    • Click Send SMS if you have set up SMS authentication and enter the OTP sent to your phone.
  4. The account authentication page will appear. Follow the on-screen instructions to verify your account.
  5. In the Reset your password page, enter and confirm your new password and ensure it meets the password requirements.
  6. Click Reset Password.

Note: If you choose to verify your account using the Recovery Code option, a new recovery code will be generated. Please download or copy the code and keep it secure. Do not share it with anyone else.

How to request an MFA reset?

Follow the steps below to reset your MFA through self-service.

  1. Go to the UniFi Identity Enterprise sign-in page (https://[your domain]
  2. Enter your account and password.
  3. Click Reset MFA Method on the sign-in page to initiate the MFA reset request.
  4. Select the MFA methods you want to reset.
  5. Click Submit. Workspace administrators with a higher level of privileges than you will receive a notification regarding your MFA reset request. Refer to this article for more information on the different administrator types and their level of privileges.
  6. You will receive an email when an administrator approves your MFA reset request. Once you receive the MFA reset email, set up the factors again as soon as possible.
    • If you requested to reset only some MFA methods:
      1. Go to the UniFi Identity Enterprise sign-in page.
      2. Enter your account and password.
      3. Verify your identity with any factors other than the ones you want to reset.
      4. Click your profile picture in the upper-right corner.
      5. Click Manage Your Account > Security.
      6. Go to Multi-Factor Authentication.
      7. Click Add New MFA Method.
      8. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the factor.
    • If you requested to reset all MFA methods:
      1. Go to the UniFi Identity Enterprise sign-in page.
      2. Enter your account and password.
      3. In the Enroll in Multi-Factor for Sign-In page, set up the required MFA and click Next.

I Haven't Received the Email or SMS for the Password Reset.

  1. Please check your spam box.
  2. Contact your admins to reset your password. The reasons why this may be happening:
    • Your admins do not allow the users to reset passwords on their own.
    • You have failed to set the security questions when activating your UniFi Identity Enterprise account. In this case, please follow the on-screen instructions to set your security questions when signing into UniFi Identity Enterprise after resetting your password.
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