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EdgeSwitch - OUI-Based Auto-VoIP


Readers will learn how to configure OUI-Based Auto-VoIP (Voice over IP) on the EdgeSwitch (ES). 

Applicable to the latest firmware on all EdgeSwitch (ES) models. Please see the Related Articles below for more information.
Devices used in this article:

This article does not apply to the EdgeSwitch X (ES-X) and EdgeSwitch XP (ES-XP) models.

Auto-VoIP and VLAN Configuration

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When using the OUI-Based Auto-VoIP feature, IP phones can be identified based on their Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) and placed in a separate VLAN. The feature will automatically place matching devices in the voice VLAN and will associate a CoS (Class of Service) value. Any device that does match the OUI (such as a workstation plugged into the phone) will be placed in the default (untagged) VLAN configured on the port.


Using the Auto-VoIP feature, the traffic from the IP phone will be placed in VLAN60. The client behind the phone is placed in VLAN10.

Follow the steps below to configure the Auto-VoIP feature:

CLI: Access the EdgeSwitch Command Line Interface.

1. Enter privileged mode. 


2. Create the VLANs.

vlan database 
vlan 10,60

3. Enter configuration mode.


4. Assign the ports to the VLANs created above.

interface 0/4
description phone
vlan pvid 10
vlan participation exclude 1
vlan participation include 10,60

interface 0/8
description edgerouter
vlan participation exclude 1
vlan participation include 10,60
vlan tagging 10,60

5. Define the Auto-VoIP VLAN.

auto-voip vlan 60

6. Add the OUI value of the IP phone to the list (AB:CD:EF in this example).

auto-voip oui AB:CD:EF oui-desc ubnt

7. Enable OUI-based Auto-VoIP on the required ports and disable the VLAN ingress filter:

interface 0/4
no vlan ingressfilter
auto-voip oui-based
NOTE: Using the auto-voip oui-based global configuration command will enable the feature on all ports.

8.  Change the associated CoS value (7 is the default).

auto-voip oui-based priority 0-7

9.  Enable LLDP on the port(s).

interface 0/4
 lldp transmit
lldp receive
lldp transmit-tlv
lldp transmit-mgmt
lldp notification
lldp med confignotification
lldp med transmit-tlv capabilities network-policy

10. Exit to operational mode and save the changes to the startup configuration.

write memory

Related Articles

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EdgeSwitch & EdgeSwitch X - Tagging and Untagging Port VLANs

EdgeSwitch - Command Line Interface (CLI) and Admin Guides

Intro to Networking - How to Establish a Connection Using SSH

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